1 min read

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There are so many great sites. I am on The Odin Project, Codecademy, and Lynda.com. To be fair, my library offers free Lynda subscriptions for all cardholders and soon, being a Pitt student means I get Lynda.com as a benefit which rocks because I love their tutorials.

But I find myself overwhelmed with options. I bounce between all three and haven’t finished a single course. I am frustrated right now because learning is taking a long time. The courses take time. And I am used to things moving fast, learning fast, and being good after a short amount of time. That’s how I wrote fiction. But this is different. I have to know that and not get frustrated in the process.

So I’ve decided to pick two sites for now, which will be Codecademy and The Odin Project because these two sites work in concert with one another. Which is what I should be doing now instead of writing this blog post. It is, after all, spring break. I need to get some coding in before class starts back up Monday. ONE MORE MONTH AND I CAN BUILD ALL SUMMER!

For Fun

What do you listen to when you code? Check out one of my many Spotify playlists for grinding out a tutorial in the nighttime.
