1 min read


So I’m checking out Free Code Camp and I LOVE IT. Knocking out their Codecademy challenges left and right.

What I’m noticing is since I’ve started the Learn Code the Hard Way series I have a new and better understanding of programming. The fundamentals are starting to gel with me. I am noticing similar organization between languages like Python and Ruby. I’ve skipped all the way past the first 11 exercises in Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

Freecodecamp has been an awesome thing. There isn’t as much focus on HTML and CSS which I am thankful for. We are focusing on JQuery and Javascript mainly, then some frameworks like Node.js and Angular.js, Angular for backend and I think Node can be used for the whole stack.


So I’m checking out Free Code Camp and I LOVE IT. Knocking out their Codecademy challenges left and right.

What I’m noticing is since I’ve started the Learn Code the Hard Way series I have a new and better understanding of programming. The fundamentals are starting to gel with me. I am noticing similar organization between languages like Python and Ruby. I’ve skipped all the way past the first 11 exercises in Learn Ruby the Hard Way.

Freecodecamp has been an awesome thing. There isn’t as much focus on HTML and CSS which I am thankful for. We are focusing on JQuery and Javascript mainly, then some frameworks like Node.js and Angular.js, Angular for backend and I think Node can be used for the whole stack.

This is a short post. Getting into the University has caused me so much excitement and setting things up and getting appointments, etc, has taken a lot of my time. I have just sat down to code furiously for the past two days. My last post was Saturday, I believe and before that it was a week. I am coming down off of 5 months of anxiety. I am sleeping a good bit, trying to recooperate. But don’t worry! Coding like a madwoman as of late and enjoying the hell out of it.