1 min read

Learning JavaScript is something every developer should do, not only because it is simple and everywhere, but because sooner or later, you’re going to need to build a website. That site should have interactivity. While CSS and CSS functions and math have cured some of the “ills” of JavaScript animations, you still need JavaScript for a lot of things.

Some ways to learn JavaScript are reading and just hacking on things. But I will list some of the resources I found that have helped me along the way.

JavaScript Resources

Free Code Camp: if you want to learn JavaScript, React.js, Bootstrap, and RWD, and soon D3, Flexbox and SASS, for free, then you should use this tool. Not only is it free but it encourages responsible Googling, with their Read-Search-Ask methodology, contributing to Open Source, and introducing beginners to data structures and algorithms. I use Free Code Camp concurrently with my Computer Science major at Pitt.

Free Code Camp’s Medium Publication: great resource for articles on everything from JavaScript, to landing a job, negotiating, and Big Data. Great reads on there so check it out.

JavaScript Scene: Eric Elliott is a opinionated but well know figure in the JavaScript community. He runs the Medium publication JavaScript Scene which is a rich resource of JS content and strategies.

YDKJS: the YDKJS series or, You Don’t Know JavaScript series, is probably the best series of books on the topic of JavaScript available. Kyle Simpson is the author and he knows his stuff. Pick up all the books. You can buy them or read them on GitHub.

List Your Go-Tos

What do you use to learn JavaScript? Am I missing anything. Let me know in the comments. I will soon list some places to learn Java.