4 min read

What are JavaScript Objects?

When thinking about JavaScript objects, it is important to think about them in terms of real life objects. For instance, you have a cup, which is an object. The object has some properties: it is white, it has some text, it is holds 12 oz, it is used for coffee, etc.

Now that we have a real life model of what a JavaScript object is like, we can begin to think about how to translate that into working code.

How to Create an Object in JavaScript

Basically, the syntax will look like this:


Let’s take a look at some simple examples of what are called object literals.

Object Literal Syntax

An object literal represents a value that you literally add to your script. It has a fixed value.

Here is the syntax of an object literal:

var obj = {
prop1: "string",
prop2: 2,
prop3: false

We assign the object literal to a variable obj. The following are what we call name/value pairs or key/value pairs where name or key is a property of the object and value is the value of that property.

Object Constructors

Another way to write an object in JavaScript is to create an object constructor. You create an object constructor with the new keyword.

var cats = new Cat();
cats.color = "Calico";
cats.gender = "male";
cats.age = 2;

We add properties to the Cat constructor through dot notation and adding a value, much like before:

Accessing Properties

You can access properties in an object with dot or bracket notation. For instance:

obj.prop ="value"
obj[prop] = "value"

If we take a look at our Cat constructor, we can access its age by using either dot or bracket notation:

var atticus = cats["age"];
var felix = cats.age;

This will return the value 2 for atticus and felix.


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is used to serialize objects, arrays, strings and other data structures and literals.

JavaScript objects and JSON have a similar syntaxt but there are distinct differences.

JSON syntax:

     { "name" : "John"},
     {"age": "40"},
     {"employeeID": "347642"}

Looks similar but it isn’t. It is a simpler way to exchange data. Previously XML was used to store and exchange serialized data but this is far simpler and is the most widely adopted way to do this.


What are JavaScript Objects?

When thinking about JavaScript objects, it is important to think about them in terms of real life objects. For instance, you have a cup, which is an object. The object has some properties: it is white, it has some text, it is holds 12 oz, it is used for coffee, etc.

Now that we have a real life model of what a JavaScript object is like, we can begin to think about how to translate that into working code.

How to Create an Object in JavaScript

Basically, the syntax will look like this:


Let’s take a look at some simple examples of what are called object literals.

Object Literal Syntax

An object literal represents a value that you literally add to your script. It has a fixed value.

Here is the syntax of an object literal:

var obj = {
prop1: "string",
prop2: 2,
prop3: false

We assign the object literal to a variable obj. The following are what we call name/value pairs or key/value pairs where name or key is a property of the object and value is the value of that property.

Object Constructors

Another way to write an object in JavaScript is to create an object constructor. You create an object constructor with the new keyword.

var cats = new Cat();
cats.color = "Calico";
cats.gender = "male";
cats.age = 2;

We add properties to the Cat constructor through dot notation and adding a value, much like before:

Accessing Properties

You can access properties in an object with dot or bracket notation. For instance:

obj.prop ="value"
obj[prop] = "value"

If we take a look at our Cat constructor, we can access its age by using either dot or bracket notation:

var atticus = cats["age"];
var felix = cats.age;

This will return the value 2 for atticus and felix.


JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is used to serialize objects, arrays, strings and other data structures and literals.

JavaScript objects and JSON have a similar syntaxt but there are distinct differences.

JSON syntax:

     { "name" : "John"},
     {"age": "40"},
     {"employeeID": "347642"}

Looks similar but it isn’t. It is a simpler way to exchange data. Previously XML was used to store and exchange serialized data but this is far simpler and is the most widely adopted way to do this.


There is so much more to get into with JavaScript Objects. As I get to know more I will post it. Soon, I’ll go over prototypal inheritance, this, and more.