1 min read

A theme, a static site generator, and an animation library walk into a bar…

If you haven’t read I am refactoring my portfolio and one of the things I wanted to do was do it from scratch. I got caught up on the details of a portfolio I admire and didn’t build anything of use.

So I went through The Gatsby Starter Library looking for something simple I could modify. I wanted it clean and minimal, this way I could have some skeleton of a site to jump start me and get me over my analysis paralysis.

Starter hopping

I found several I liked but some required a CMS1, others gave me errors2. I just wanted a clean, white, minimal starter. I found what I wanted, kinda. It had more styles than I wanted but not too many.

Making it my own

I really want some animations of some sort. I don’t plan to overdo it. I just want the header text to do a little ease-in, flip, ease-out, and scroll back into view.

I saw a similar animation on the React Spring docs, which is the library I decided to use to accomplish this.

I opened up a Codesandbox and poked around and holy hooks

I guess I need to learn hooks…

I have been putting off fully learning hooks because I am so used to class based React; I just started to understand the class model of writing React applications and now there is a new, better way to write React components, less boilerplate, easier to reason about, etc.

It seems super daunting. I get how they work for the most part, for instance, replacing componentDidMount() with the useEffect() hook and the like and to be honest useEffect() makes more sense to me. But taking the time to learn them has been something I haven’t been wanting to do.

React spring and this starter make heavy use of hooks so I guess hooks it is.

  1. I get that some devs have clients that need that kind of backend, but let me choose to see those starters; give me more granual filters. 

  2. Docker could help with that but I have no idea how to run Gatsby in Docker like I do my Jekyll sites.